Tuesday, August 26, 2008

#1 Guruji Replies

Q: Guruji how do we know that our experiences are authentic? And how do we know that we are progressing on the spiritual path?
Sri Sri: You know doubt always come on that is true. You never doubt depression. You doubt love, whereas you never doubt anger! Therefore if you are having a doubt on your experiences just know that they are all authentic (Laughter!!).

And how to gaze whether your are progressing on the spiritual path or not; see if you have become more compassionate. See if you feel more relaxed and free now. Do you feel free or not? Just see within yourself. See how much does the entire happening around you bother you. Do they bother you like before or not? Does the external events bother you still? Even if they bother you see how much time does it stay for. See how fast you are catching up with your self! You should not think that, oh! I should never get upset! See hoe fast you are coming back to your self! A few minutes of distraction and then you are back. Don't Judge yourself. There is no need to judge yourself. Can you become a student and an examiner at the same time? No. Certainly not! You are learning now so leave the evaluation work to some one else!! Let Him decide, let Him evaluate!! (Laughter)!!

Q: Guruji, I have been practicing in the Spiritual path for quite sometime, but I still find that I am not able to become dispassionate. To bring about dispassion in me what should I do?

Sri Sri: Don't get caught up in words. These are just all words. I tell you if you are centered dispassion comes to you automatically. Just be centered. Do your seva (service), satsang (company of the truth), and sadhna (spiritual practices) and you will see rest everything is just falling in place for you.

Q: Guruji what is the difference the mind and the soul? And how is it connected to each other?

Sri Sri: The mind is like the wave and the Soul is like the ocean. And the connection between the two is that the mind cannot be without the soul, but the soul can exist without the mind. So in meditation you drop the mind, you become one with the totality that is the ocean. Therefore there are both existing together, the mind as well as the soul, like the wave as well as the ocean.

Q: Guruji, in my meditation often I get a feeling of doing some harm to the Gods. My mind feels like doing something against them. How do I get rid of such a feelings? What should I do?

Sri Sri:You know if it is so compulsive, so obsessive you do it. Just go ahead and do it. But that way you are going to hurt yourself! Hurt your hand! God is not in the statue or the idol in front of you, God is in your heart. We invoke God and bring it to the statue for some moments only and again we place it back in our hearts. Like the Ganapati idol, we put it in the water. First we invoke the God in the idol, play with that for some time and after all that tell him to come back to us and reside back in our heart!!

But yes. If such a feeling persists, just observe the sensation. See what is happening within you. You know these types of violent tendencies also come because of the food you eat. All these are the Rajashik (Restlessness) tendencies that come from food. Focus on you diet. Be aware of what you eat. Stay away from Rajasik food for sometime. Food does matter a lot. Listen to Narada Bhakti Sutra. Rejoice in the self….Be contented.

Q: Guruji after having tried all means, certain worries keep coming to me. I am not able to surrender those. What should I do?

Sri Sri: Why do you need to surrender? I tell you don't surrender, this surrender is an illusion. What do you want to surrender? Anyway everything belongs to God. What is it that is yours and you want to surrender!?? !? It is just a concept, I want to surrender this, I want to surrender that. This is like try catching a cat in a dark room, which is not there(Laughter! !) Just relax; God did not want us to surrender. What to surrender? Don't worry; just know that you are nothing. The path of knowledge is easy for those who are where in the head. If you think you are something wakeup and see, what are you ?!?!?! You are carbohydrate, amino acids, fats, every cell of your body has been existing millions of years ago and is also existing now and you call yourself Radha, Sita, Rama, tomorrow again this form will go and new form will come where will you go.

Walk like being a big zero, but always be on the right side of the number. (Laughter!!! !) I am nobody, I am nothing. These two 'dharanas' intensions, is an antidote to ignorance wakeup and see!!! And the job is done!

Q: Guruji, they say that there are two kinds of people. The first, are the kind of people who ask question out of ignorance. And the second are the people who don't ask question out of ignorance. What would be my category?

Sri Sri:(Laughter!!) At least this you have realized!!! See how wise you are!!! Only a wise can understand such things!! So you are certainly not a fool. You are wise.

Jai Gurudev!

1 comment:

Now what?????????? said...

Hi Team
Nice posts..

Looking for regular updates :)