Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes!+ Teacher Training Course

Jai Gurudev!

We have a very special YES!+ teachers training course coming up for those of you with BIG dreams, for those who dare to take the responsibility not just for themselves but for all youth on this planet! Check out if you have what it takes!

Dates: 23-June-2008 to 12-July-2008 (Arrival 22nd June, Departure 13 July)
Venue: Bangalore Ashram, India

Applicants wishing to do the TTC may dowload and submit YES!+ TTC Application Form.

Teachers please fill YES!+ TTC Recommendation Form to recommend eligible candidates.

Please see to it that you have fulfilled all the pre-requisites listed below:

1. 4 Part II or Advance or YES!++ Courses.
2. 1 DSN Course.
3. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course.
4. You have listened to all of Guruji's talks on Narada Bhakti Sutras, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The commentary on the Ashtavakra Gita.
5. You have attended a minimum of 3 YES!+ courses or Utsav Act I and II on all the days.
6. You have been part of the organizing team for a minimum of 3 Utsav Act I, II or YES!+ Courses.
7. You are vegetarian. No meat, chicken, fish, eggs or any other non-microscopic life form from the animal kingdom forms part of your diet at all. You won't eat any of that junk even if your doctor or mother tells you to.
8. You do not do alcohol, smoking, tobacco or drugs of any sort at all, even under pressure from your best friend.
9. You have attended and enjoyed Satsangs.
10. You are doing your Sadhana regularly, meaning everyday for at least the past 2 months.
11. You are of sound mental and physical health. No recent surgeries, or psychiatric treatment.
12. You are not practicing or teaching any "spiritual" technique(s) other than those taught to you on the Art of Living courses you have attended.
13. You have enrolled at least 20 people for either an Utsav Act I or a YES!+ course.
14. You have the recommendation of a minimum of 2 YES!+ teachers. We encourage you to get more...
15. You want to become a YES!+ Teacher!

Once you have reassured yourself that you have fulfilled all the above conditions, here is what you do:

1. Download the YES!+ TTC Application Form and fill it up.
2. Email your form with the answers to: ttc@yesplus.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with subject: *your name* June 2008 Application. e.g. Gauri Parashare will email with subject: Gauri Parashare June 2008 Application
3. Get 2 (or more) YES!+ teachers to recommend you by emailing the completed YES!+ TTC Recommnedation Form with subject *your name* June 2008 Recommendation. Ensure that the name matches exactly in your application and your teacher's recommendation.
E.g., Gauri's Recommendation Form will be emailed by the YES!+ teacher with the subject: Gauri Parashare June 2008 Recommendation.
4. Once we have your applications and your teacher's recommendations, you may be called for a personal interview, or you may be phoned for your personal interview.
5. You will be informed by the 10th of June 2008 if you qualified for the TTC. You will have to do some pre TTC reading and learning, so it's best that you complete all the steps above as soon as you possibly can. This TTC is limited to accepting only 150 people, and this will be on a first come first served basis only!
6. The TTC fees are: Rs 3000/- for Indian Passport Holders, US$ 250 for all other countries.
7. The TTC Dates are: 23-June-2008 to 12-July-2008. You will need to report anytime during the day on the 22nd of June. Please see to it that you are in the Ashram before 10:00 pm of the 22nd of June. You may leave anytime on the 13th of July.
8. All decisions will be final and no exceptions will be made.

Registrations are on first-come-first-serve basis and will close on 5th June 2008. So send in your application form and recommendations as soon as possible.

For any queries, contact ttc@yesplus.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or Gauri +91-9243121944

Jai Gurudev!

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