Monday, September 22, 2008

Bawa Answers On Terrorism

Q. Whenever, wherever they want, they plant the bombs and blow them off. Are
we really helpless?

No. They do this because of lack of education. They do this because they
think that a cause is more important than a human life. There are many ways
that this can stop∑ here are some:

1. Many people have to go through the Art of Living training and learn to
value life. I have had quite a few (muslim) students who have been
approached by these terror outfits to join them and they have refused
because they have this Knowledge∑ So go out of your way to bring Art of
Living in people's lives∑ You may prevent a person from becoming a

2. When many, many people meditate on a very regular basis, then that
increases the Satva in the environment. There have been studies and
experiments done to prove this. A group of 10,000 people meditated in
rotation for about a month in a city in the US, and the crime rate in that
city dropped dramatically, "normal" crime dropped by 35% and violent crime
between 38% and a staggering 85%. So if you have learned to meditate, see
that you do it everyday!! You may just have a hand in preventing a bomb

3. Organizations and governments need to drop their pseudo secular stance,
by encouraging everyone to learn to meditate, do Sudarshan Kriya∑ Some
classify Art of Living as "religious" or "Hindu" and they are doing so at
the peril of the security and safety of our country and the world in
general. Art of Living is a purely spiritual orgnization, has nothing to do
with religion and will always stand up for whatever is right! If you are
working in any organization, please see to it that you initiate and carry
through the training of Art of Living wherever you work or study. This
becomes mush easier if you excel at your chosen field. So exceling at work
or studies becomes of paramount importance, because, then as far as society
is concerned your words have weight∑ and you can use that to make people
learn how to breathe :)∑ Who would have thought those good grades could help
prevent a bomb blast huh?!

4. Everyone needs to develop the attitude that: The ONLY thing we will not
tolerate is intolerance! It is intolerance, a non verifiable concept of God,
a childish concept of an angry and vengeful God who will reward few people
in the hereafter and punish everyone else∑ Everyone needs to realise that
everyone and everything is God's creation and He is not going to get any
kick out of people killing each other in His name∑ We definitely follow one
path, but we respect all∑ we learn from all.

5. We need learn to celebrate diversity and soak in the richness of
diversity. Let go of the notion that everyone should be like me, that
everyone should beileve in what i believe, that you are "good" only if you
are on my "team". We should wonder at the diversity there is and seek to
preserve it. And at the same time realise that basically we are all part of
a universal spirit first∑ gender, race, nationality, religion are all
secondary and really not worth fighting about. The diversity there is has
been created for our pleasure, and is not to be destroyed!

6. Look for the similarities in different belief systems and come together
with those and then celebrate the differences∑ Most so called leaders have
become arrogant and spend all their time in finding differences in what they
believe and what others believe and then become very creative in finding
ways to undermine, insult and destroy the other. These leaders really need
to be dethroned, because they are a disgrace to the faith they represent and
a blot on the humanness of humanity. All of us have to learn to understand
that there are many ways to the Truth, and that Truth itself is multifaceted
and beyond any logic. And we need leaders who will teach this to their
flocks instead of the we are right, they are wrong.

7. Everyone has to vote! We all have to take responsibility about who we are
choosing to govern our country on our behalf. The reason that the government
and the politicians are doing minority appeasement, is because the vast
majority doesn't vote! So, until we have politicians who are really
interested in the good of the country and who are ready to serve instead of
rule, we citizens have to make our voices heard through our voting. The
automatically, these power hungry people will be compelled to wield their
power to serve the good of all, rather than appease the minority.

8. Whenever the media does an unfair or biased reporting about an event, we
the people, should utterly flood their mail boxes and choke their telephone
lines and tell them that we don't appreciate such sensationalism in the

The biggest problem i think is that we don't DO all these things that we
know we should be doing. We ourselves are lazy, and we don't want to move∑
and it's always so very easy to become a victim and blame other people∑ All
of us have it within us to stop this terror, if we only get up and start
doing something about it, rather than just moaningand groaning and
complaining about it∑

So, breathe and meditate, get people to breathe and meditate, get people to
get people to breathe and meditate, take responsibility for governance by
voting and media by expressing outrage at sensationalism, involve more
people into this process, educate lovingly and patiently, have zero
tolerance for intolerance, stop complaints and being in victim
consciousness, get up and take action.

Most importantly Pray. Prayer has the power to transform even the most rigid
individual. But don't get stuck only praying∑ prayer coupled with
intelligent action can move the entire planet!

Guruji's closing remark in His speech at the Millennium Peace Summit at the
UN in New York was: "I pray AND i take responsibility!"

Jai Gurudeva!



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