Friday, September 19, 2008

Experience August-2008


Well I learnt a lot from this course, I just cant leave doing my kriya and pranayams.. A day without these two is like there is no life in me. I get so angry and moody when I dont do my kriya and pranayam.. Its obvious that It makes the mind calm at the same time energetic and I experienced it.. All together Iam a happy person.. I am certainly on my way to tell my friends and those Who I meet about this course..
- Amarnath
Yes + the place you can find the real you in you. AOL is not just a course, it is a destiny to be accomplished but it never ends. Chaos and calmness both counterpart in AOL, together they exult you. Oh my GOD. I shouldn’t have told this much, you should come here and find what it is. That’s how it works. Never miss AOL guys its awesome. Join the party!
- Karthick

I learned to live my life in present moment with silence
- Mahendran

The course i had was very useful for me and i have learnt of myself a lot.I got relief from many of my worries. Now my mind is fresh.

YES!+ experience is really awesome. Really I have learnt many things useful for my life. It helps me greatly and to know about life. Life is very short. We should lead our life with at most enjoyment and happiness. Now a days, I am really happy and very fresh. Kriya makes me feel very bright everyday. I have learnt about the peace of mind, my responsibility, my potential, happiness and how to shine in my life and also how to communicate with others. YES!+ keeps my mind out of tension and to smile always. I have learnt that smile is cheaper and anger should be expensive. Also I got many close friends in YES!+ and really cant forget the 5 days in my life. YES!+ upgrade was chanceless. I can’t forget that experience. I learned many lessons that we should not depend on other’s opinions and do whatever you want. I learned about good concentration and it really helps me in my studies. Now, I am enjoying each and every moment and I’m very intense in my thoughts now a days.

I learnt a valuable good habit on hearing Guruji’s speech, that we should first stop blaming our self. I used to blame my self. I tend to meet difficulties so I rectified that and in the same speech I learnt the power of the word intensity which he mentioned and advised to do anything with the great intensity. Mentally I was relieved from stress this was possible by hearing guruji’s words that he told every one has some or the other worries, so we should ignore it. I learnt to smile (with kind) everyday. Since I was told and taught in the class that life is too short we should learn to live very moment happily. I am trying to do that did it and will continue to do the same in future.
-Maha Lakshmi

I feel I had done a great job that I was able to attend YES!+program. It was really amazing. Now A days, I am reducing my anger. I made my anger expensive and my smile cheaper. Now I am giving 100% in all my works. I am doing kriya daily. I feel so happy and peace after doing kriya. I learnt a lot of things in this course and theay help me in maintaining a peaceful mind. I learnt a good concentration kriya so that my mind wont get deviated when I am doing work.

Nowadays I’m having very pleasant mood, the primary reason for this is a golden word yes+. i learned a lots of lessons from this course and im very eager to gain some more by doing the advance course.The way in which the course is directed was such an impressive experience to me. i was surprised by the way in which the volunteers and other staff members esp. Anjana didi interacted with us. actually the course duration is five days but it gives me an experience of attending nearly five months. All these days we got a wonderful opportunity of seeing the clippings of guruji. His approach towards everyone was much attracted by me. Also many kriyas and exercises taught by didi gets me a different atmosphere for living my life. i too learned importance of being punctual in life. Moreover a person could get experience to adopt them to any kind of environment. Thus i gained mind blowing experience by attending this yes+ course.
-Navaneetha Krishnan

I’m really very lucky to be a part of Art of Living foundation and that too I’m very happy to do the yes+ course. I got a new experience by attending the class. It has taught me to approach positively in every part of life. Now I can approach to any unknown person and can speak with him without any ego or hesitation and can make him as my friend. Like that I have made friends and very happy to do so. More than that people in that organization are used for social welfare activities, it has attracted me a lot and I’m very eager to do more such things for our country. Really this course is more worthy in which I have learned to give my 100% in everything. Even though it’s not possible practice is making me move towards the excellence. More than that kriya (a breathing exercise) is making me healthier in both mentally as well as physically.I’m really proud to give this feedback as I have got this opportunity much before in my life. Thank you.
-Mohammed Yaqoob


The Upgrade to me felt like a Mountaineering expedition all along.The moment we finished the Long Kriya I could reckon that there was something special awaiting us that day. We learnt that if we approach anything with a Positive minded approach that anything will work for you ( Plus an Electrifying Smile) Miracles are bound to happen....

About UPGRADE in a sentence " how much we stress ourself , we ll get it". Learnt how to progress in life with whatever resource we have. We can do one more UPGRADE in coming days.

if we stretch ourselves beyond our normal limit we ll get some thing extraordinary
- Mahendran

I had a very very amazing experience in UPGRADE. I learnt a lot of lessons. Btw, I am able to take up any challenge. Before YES!+ I will say no its no possible. Now I AM so confident to do any work, without hesitation. No matter what KIND OF obstacles comes before ME. After doing YES!+ I am able to engage my self in doing seva activities which I was longing to do before. Now I am living in uncomfortable situation and making it comfortable. I really felt like a challenge to do kriya in the morning now I am doing it in the morning. That’s what YES!+ has made me!

Upgrade was yet another important day in my life where I was subjected to different experience. I learnt that on having confidence we can achieve anything in this world if we think and do that 100% and also all people are kind if we give them pure smile without ego. Apart from these I got many friends, Sudharshan Kriya, Surya namaskar, concentration kriya are really good practice for better health and mind.
-Maha Lakshmi

If you would like to share your experience then click here

Jai Gurudev!

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