Monday, December 8, 2008

Sri Sri @ Bali

Q. By Head Priest: Om Swasti Rastu. I need not only the tourism of culture but
also the tourism of spirituality. You are the Maharaja.

Guruji: Yesterday, I was describing that 'Swasti' means both "health &
happiness" together. It's very nice to be here in Bali with you. Last year
in the Vishnu Yagna, thousands of people gathered together. This time due to
the rainy season it had to be in a closed hall or there would have been so many
more people. Bali has maintained ancient tradition. Yoga- Ashtanga Yoga. 8
limbs of Yoga. 3 days is too short a time. We will learn a little bit whatever
we can. Yam , niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dhyana & Samadhi. So the 5
Yamas what are they- they are Ahimsa or non-violence, Satya- truth, Asteya-
non-stealing, Brahmacharya- celibacy & then Aparigraha- non-accumulation. 5
Niyamas – Shaucha- cleanliness, Santosha- happiness, Tapas- forbearance of
pleasant & unpleasant, Swadhyaya- self- study & Ishvara Pranidhana- surrender.

Here in Bali, already have lot of spiritual richness, very rich
culture. Asana is something that integrates the whole system. Pranayama,

You know we seldom think about our life. We think about our house,
money relationships but we don't think who am I? What do I need to be happy?
What do we need to do now? Reflect on our life. Okay. Remember what is your
age? How old are you? 38 years. How much longer will you live on the planet?
Say another 50 years, 85 years. How do you want to spend that? What do you
want? The very question kindles spiritual dimension. Afterwards, how would you
like to be remembered? As an aggressive person who troubled everyone or someone
who did a lot of good? What do I need to be happy? When will I be happy? 10
years later or right now? This is what you need to think. Not postponing being
happy to some future date. Right now, right now. When we get ourselves rid of
stress by meditation. We don't make any effort. You simply sit comfortably, I
will do it for you. Those having backache sit on a chair.

Q. Whenever I hear chants, I feel like crying.

G: It's good. Devotion comes up. Heart chakra opens.Very good. There's a
saying by Kabira, " ……………. Bin roye kit paaye perm piya ki reet"
Tears will bring you close to the divine, so it is okay.

G: Everyday do 15-20 mins of Yoga, 15-020 mins of breathing & 15-20 mins of
meditation. 40 mins – 1 hour everyday you keep it for yourself.

Q: Something about too many thoughts during meditation.

G: Some irrelevant thoughts may come. Some good or bad thoughts. If you try to
chase them they bother you. When they come, allow them to come. Then you will
see in a few minutes they disappear.

Q: Whenever I meditate, I feel some vibration.

G: That's good. Vibration or sensation is normal. Don't pay too much
attention to it. Experiences change.

Q: Missed the question

G: Either you cling to the scriptures or allow the divine to take you around.
Knowledge & devotion. Millions of years ago, people knew the psychology of
animals & what they do. It's not that Stone Age man was dull & didn't know
much. It appears they knew much more.

Q: I am scared to make any long- term plans.

G: You know greed stops you. Just go ahead.

Q: How do I stop myself from getting angry?

G: Why should you not get angry? Get angry. So what? Your this "I should'nt
get angry, I don't want to get angry' ……….. Anger is because you love
perfection. Create a little room for imperfection. In your house, don't you
have a dust-bin? In your mind also, keep a garbage can. Little acceptance about
imperfection can bring patience. Inspite of that ………

Q: Guruji, do you know each of us here & also those who are not here?

G: Why you want to know all my secrets? Yes, I know some & I don't know some.

Q: I feel everything around me is telling me something. Is it Maya?

G: Don't see too much meaning. Maya means that which can be measured. The
entire Universe is Maya. Light, sound, smell, taste, earth, water, fire, air-
the whole world can be measure. So the whole world is Maya. Measure also is not
the same. What weighs on earth is different on the moon & at the poles. What
can't be measured? Truth, love, consciousness. Beauty can't be measured-
part of sat, chit, ananda. World is Maya, owner of the world is Mayavi. Don't
get stuck in Maya. Think something bigger. All human values are beyond Maya.


Q: Thank you, Maharaja. I feel better after meditation. I feel like crying,
feel energy, very strong. Thanks for your blessing.

G: You are doing good. Don't worry. You should become a teacher.

G: Om namah shivaya. 5 letters, very powerful. 5 elements- earth, water, fire
air, & ether. Om indicates life force. That gives so much energy, protection to
the spirit. From thousands of years people have been using it.

Food also plays an important role. Should not eat too much fried
food. Drink more water. First thing in the morning drink half a litre- 500 ml.
to 1 litre, upto 11/2 litres of water on an empty stomach. Either warm or cold.
It will keep you healthy, prevent diabetes, kidney problem, improve
circulation. Water has a lot of benefit. You must all drink.

Morning bed tea- no good. No bed tea. First thing- water. It can
have some lemon & ginger. After half an hour of water then you can drink your
tea. Secondly, according to Ayurveda, hold your hand like a cup. Don't ask me
there is no upper limit! Your stomach can hold this much. Okay? Now avoid fried
food, deep fried foods- no good. Once a month is okay. Not everyday. See how
much fried food you use everyday- no good. & vegetarian food is best. Today
world over people are saying we should turn to vegetarianism. That can keep you
very healthy & strong.

Q: Why not to have garlic & onion?

G: Garlic & onion make you little dull. Creates tamogun. For meditators it's
not very good. For gastric problem- garlic, for heart problem- onion. But as a
regular diet, take everyday I would not advise. It makes consciousness dull.

Q: I have very high frequency in my head. Is this phenomena good for me?

G: Ya, it's good. Don't overdo it. Always do under guidance. Otherwise
there will be a short circuit. You will lose touch with reality. Don't do it
on your own.

G: How this universe is filled with Prana, life energy. If you area good
meditator, nothing can make you unhappy. Even if you are unhappy, it
immediately gets removed.

Q: On migraine problem.

G: Alternate nostril pranayama will help in migraine. Plenty of water &
meditation. So many people have gotten over it.

G: If your stomach is clear, everything is better. Triphala cleanses your
system. 3 tablets with warm water or milk at night for 1-2 months. Your system
becomes very clean.

Q: If everything in your life is as per Karma what is the role of Grace?

Grace reduces true effect of bad Karma & raise the effect of good Karma.
Parents went to an astrologer. He told them their son will be a great leader.
Many cars will move around him. The son become a traffic policeman! So the law
is fulfilled, but good Karma remained very little. Atleast he got a job, he was
not unemployed. If there is a Karma that a stone is hit your head, it didn't
hit, but took your cap or turban away. That which came to the head, came to the
turban. Still the law gets fulfilled.

Q: Does the memory store more of negative? I don't remember what I study for
exams but remember the insults I get.

G: It isn't only the mind. That is why you should meditate. It gives you a
different orientation.

Q: How to become Arjuna?

G: Arjuna means seeker of Knowledge. The fact that you are asking, you have
already become one.

Q: I have no desire. My only desire is to go on a world tour with you. Is it
possible & if yes in this lifetime?

G: Yes, yes. You can carry my asana & black bag.

Q: Can you please talk about patience.

G: Yes, later, Can you hold on for few minutes?

Q: Somebody has been crying during meditation. That has been bothering me the
whole day. There is so much worry in the world. Why doesn't everybody join
Art of Living?

G: You have to do something about it. I have to do everything? You tell your
friends. Bring them to the course. Don't explain them too much.

Q: Is there such a thing as soul mates?

G: Well, I have no idea. One thing I know, you should first meet your soul. If
you haven't met your soul, I don't think you will even recognize your soul

Q: Can thoughts be classified as positive & negative?

G: You don't need to classify. Even if you classify, it doesn't matter.

Q: Please bless me & my husband so that we are compatible. We have been married
since '96….So as not to anger him, I still haven't understood.

G: One secret for women. Always pump the ego of your husband. The whole may
call your husband dull & stupid, but you should say you are too intelligent.
Just the fact that you don't use your brain doesn't mean you don't have
it. Give compliments. Men should never step on the emotions of women. She may
complain about your mother. You should never complain about her mother or
brother otherwise she will change her loyalty. She will start defending them.
Always encourage a woman. Never say you brother or mother is like this….

Q: Dear Guruji, how to explain a teenager why they shouldn't drink alcohol or
taste once to know.

G: teenage is a very impressionable age. If one gets addicted to something,
it's very difficult to get rid of it. It's good to have a sense of
aversion. Certain aversions help you like a shield; especially teenage & early
20's. After you're 30 it's a different story. Create that sense of
aversion towards violence, towards killing, torturing animals, tobacco &
alcohol. No need for everyone to taste tobacco or experience drugs. Certain
experiences can damage the nervous system.

Q: Aankhen kyon fadakti hain? Kya inse bhavishya mein honi wali kuchh buri…..
Why do the eyes flicker? Does this indicate some future ill happening?

G: Prana ke sanchar se alag-alag anubhuti hoti hain. Dhyana, Om Namah Shivaya
se in sab par asar padta hain.

Q: What is the best way to personally interact with you? Whenever I try to come
close to you, people stop me. I , too love to hear your answers.

G: Tomorrow, I'm going to be meeting you all in small groups.

Q: Which is better chanting or yoga?

G: Yoga gives you depth. Without that cleansing, just chanting is superficial.
It's like asking while watching T.V. should I first see or first hear?

Q: Why do you name your program Art of Living? Why not Art & Science of Living?

G: I didn't give that name. It all just spontaneously happened. Someone
said…. &someone came up with the symbol of the 2 swans & sun. Doesn't
matter. As long as you appreciate it becomes an art. As long as you understand
it is science.

Q: Guruji, for the first time I have seen my mind chattering& I am really
fed-up. Seeing all this, I got a headache. It is so irritating. Can I ever be
peaceful? I just want to be blank.

G: If a particular thought is there, let it be there. Mind is like fire.
Anything you put in fire, it just dissolves, purifies.

Q: I swear & curse a lot. Please talk about the power of words.

G: Often you are not sensitive to others. So we behave in ways & are very rude.
Sometimes you hurt someone. The more you go in silence & meditation, you
realize the power of words. & how you can use it only in the positive sense. It
just becomes your nature. Bad words simply can't come out. At the most I have
said stupid. I have never said a bad word to anybody, It would not come. Not
even in school & college days. As you move on the path of Knowledge, they
simply disappear from the vocabulary.

Q: Do you exist in more than one place at a time?

G: Yes.

Q: I am not able to find happiness in anything. Everything seems so pointless.
I feel low.

G: Feel you are here for me. I have a lot of work to do on this planet before
we all depart. Think that in your mind. Help me out.

Q: Keep me on this path forever. Last month I had a problem….

G: Once you come, there is no return from here. There is only 1-way traffic.

Q: What should I do if a friend of mine keeps stealing my friends from me. She
does this to every friend I get.

G: Steal your friend! Oh! Very serious. Tell your friend don't steal my
friend but you can steal my mind.

Q: What do you look for in your followers? Does wearing white bring us closer
to you?

G: I expect a smile in anyone who ahs done Art of Living. Confidence that never
whithers away. Smile that never wanes. You don't have to wear white clothes.
You can wear coloured clothes or I would have ordered uniforms for everybody.
It looks colourful.

Q: Hi dear Guruji!

G: Hi!

Q: Please can you speak about old people's soul before they die they lose
their memory. My Nana is 96. He forgets that he had a lovely wedding to go to.
Could that happen to very aware spiritual people? What is it like for these
souls after they pass?

G: one of our teacher's grandmother met with her own daughter & asked her
where do you live? She gave her address. She said Oh! I also live in the same
address. She mentioned her father's name. Grandmother said, Oh! My husband
has the same name. Dementia. Selective memory. But who are you she is asking.
I've not seen you before. The daughter went, Hey Ram! Doesn't matter.
Nature has made you like that. It's just part of nature.


Q: What is Self?

G: Self is not an object. Self is space, it is energy.

Q: If everything is God, what is your opinion about yesterday's bomb blast.

G: These are man-made calamities. God is all goodness. When a person moves away
form God, then all this happens. Everybody has something to do. If miracles
could stop violence, it would have. The Mahabharata war would have stopped, but
it didn't.

Q: Guruji, what is the purpose of life?

G: To realize the highest truth. To know who you really are. When we all die, 2
questions will come in front of us. How much love you have given in the world &
how much Knowledge you have taken.

Q: How to get rid of bad thoughts?

G: Proper food & pranayama.

Q: Guruji, is it okay to have more than one spiritual teacher?

G: Respect everybody but walk on one path.

Q: Do you sense any special vibrations on this island than different parts of
the world?

G: Bali has very good spiritual vibration, no doubt.

Q: Why are there so many religions? Does it mean that the newest is the best?

G: There are many religions, but one truth. Why don't you ask me why there
are so many types of vegetables & flowers? Don't think that the latest
religion is the best. Oldest is as good as new. In fact, in Vedic Hindu
Sanatan, it's a way of life. They accept all. What happened thousands of
years ago, people heard & what they heard became Vedas. So, 1,000 Rishis,
whatever they heard & compiled all became Vedas. Vedas have all the latest
Knowlegde in it.

You know, the Rishi who came to Bali, was Markandeya Rishi. All
Balinese are descendants of Markandeya Rishi. There is a beautiful story about
Markandeya. His parents prayed to God to get a son for them- a good , bright,
brilliant son, they got a dream that God asks them what type of son you want?
Very bright, intelligent, but his like will be only 16 years. Or you want a
bad, ruthless, disobedient son whose life will be 100 years- you choose.
Parents, even though 16 years lifetime said we want a good son. So the parents
were worried. He was such a brilliant boy. On the 16th birthday, they were
nervous. The boy prayed to Lord Shiva. When he was about to be taken away by
the God of Death, Shiva came & said, "No, you will live longer." So,
devotion, prayer could change laws of Karma. So this is when the
Mahamrityunjaya mantra was chanted by Markandeya which is very famous even
today. There are lots of stories with Markandeya. There is a whole Purana. So,
after several years in India, he came out to Indonesia & settled in Bali.
That's the story. More than 10,000 years ago. He was even before Sri Rama who
was 7,000 years ago. Sri Krishna was 5,000 years ago. Markandeya also wrote the
"Durga Saptasati" In India, Chandi, Durga chanting is all written by

Jai Gurudev!

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