Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Perfect Life!

A perfect life

In a state of ignorance, imperfection is natural and perfection is an
effort. In a state of wisdom or enlightenment, imperfection is an
effort; perfection is a compulsion and is unavoidable!
Perfection is taking total responsibility, and total responsibility
means knowing that you are the only responsible person in the
whole world. When you are in total vairagya (dispassion), you can
take care of even trivial and insignificant things with such
perfection. Perfection is the very nature of the Enlightened one.
Knowledge will be different at different levels of consciousness. At a
particular level, you will become anasuya (meaning 'devoid of faultfinding
eyes'. There is a certain mindset that always finds fault,
even in the best of conditions. Even with the best possible
companion, or the most beautiful painting, such people will still find
something wrong. That kind of mindset cannot know the sacred knowledge.

The weaker the devotee, the purer the Guru needs to be. Krishna
tells Arjuna that he is giving him the Royal Secret, because he is
Anasuya. Similarly, Hanuman never saw any fault in Rama. From a
distance, even craters cannot be seen. Even on a smooth surface
there will be holes. If you are only interested in the holes, you will
not see the magnanimity of things. If you are not in Anasuya,
knowledge cannot blossom in you. Then there is no point in giving

If you look for imperfection you can see imperfection even in Rama
and Krishna. If Krishna had been living today then probably there
would have been many court cases filed against him for telling lies,
stealing etc! In Buddha's life you don't see any imperfection.
Buddha lived a pure life not for his own sake but for the sake of the
world, for the sake of the devotees.

For an enlightened person, if someone drinks or smokes, nothing
will happen to his consciousness. In that state, all that you want is
good for everyone, welfare for everyone and happiness on this

In a perfect world, why is man so imperfect? It is so that you can
become more perfect. Recognition of imperfections leads you to
more perfection. This is a very delicate point. If you recognise
imperfection you may just sulk and brood over it — ''Oh, I am
imperfect, imperfect and imperfect.'' Recognise the imperfection in
you and overcome it by seeing more perfection.

You have heard this before, that all is God and all is love. But then
what is the purpose of life? If everything is God then where is life
heading to? Life is heading towards perfection, isn't it? We want
perfection. There are three kinds of perfection: Perfection in
action/work (kriya), perfection in speech (vachan), perfection in
feelings/intention (bhaav).

Some people may be very good in their actions but inside they feel
very grumpy and angry. Some may lie — ie, their speech is not
perfect but they do their jobs right or they feel right. A doctor may
tell a patient, ''Don't worry, your disease will be cured'', but that
may not be true. At times, the intention behind lying is perfect. For
example a child asks his mother where his baby brother came from,
the mother replies that she bought the baby. The mother's
intentions behind lying is perfect. If someone lies intentionally then
the feeling is imperfect, the speech is imperfect and the action will
also reflect the same.

Suppose someone makes a mistake and when you look at the
mistake you get angry. Then you are no better than the person who
has made the mistake, because there the action was imperfect, but
here your feelings have become imperfect. Any action will have
some flaw. But when the feeling becomes imperfect then it stays for
a longer period. The innermost perfection is lost.

Many people who fight for human rights are fighting for a cause but
inside, they get angry. Anger is as bad as lust and jealousy is no
better than anger. From all these six imperfections (lust, anger,
greed, entanglement, arrogance and jealousy) you think one is
better than the other, but they are not.

Sadhana helps you maintain your centredness and not be shaken by
small events. When someone screams at you, their speech is
imperfect but don't assume that their feeling is also imperfect. Don't
see an intention behind other peoples' mistakes as then, the mind
brings in more impurity.

That's also Vikara, the distortion. Prakriti and Vikriti; the whole
creation is made up of nature and distortion of nature. Anger or
jealousy is not our nature. It is distortion of our nature. They are
part of this creation but we still call them distortions, because they
do not allow the Self to shine forth fully. And this is what sin is. Sin
is not your nature and you are not born out of sin. Sin is just the
wrinkle in the cloth. It needs proper ironing.

Lust is considered a sin because in lust, you treat the other person
like an object. But in love, you see them as someone higher. Anger
is a sin because when you are angry you lose your centre, you lose
sight of the self. In guilt, you are limiting the small mind to an
action that has already happened.

Be thankful that you have been bestowed with the qualities that you
have because it is not of your own making. And these qualities
depend on the part that you have been given to play. When you
understand this basic truth, then your inner perfection becomes
stable. It is said by some psychologists that ''Deep inside you there
is fear, guilt and anger.'' These psychologists know nothing about
the mind or consciousness. I tell you that deep inside, you are a
fountain of bliss, a fountain of joy!

Jesus got angry twice. He threw people out of the church and
shouted in anger. Krishna once broke his own promise. He had
vowed that he would not take up a weapon in his hand during the
Mahabharata war. But when it became impossible to conquer
Bhishma, he picked up his weapon, the Sudarshan Chakra.

The peak of every emotion, every sensation leads you to
blossoming, to the innermost perfection. Don't look for perfection
just in actions. You name any action and I'll show you that there is
a flaw in that action. Even when you give alms or charity, you are
bringing down the self-respect of the receiver. But perfection in
feeling is possible. Perfection in speech is possible to a great extent
and to a greater extent, perfection in action is also possible.

Even if the Vikritis come in your way, don't give them too much
importance for they are like the wrinkles in a cloth. If you give
importance to somebody's anger, greed or lust, then

-Sri Sri


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