Friday, January 2, 2009

Celebration and Service - Gurudev’s New Year Message

The last hour of 2008. The time on this planet for us is a gift. Time is a gift to ourself. When we consider time as a gift our whole outlook towards life shifts. Like every year 2008 also has offered you many gifts. With it’s thorns it has made you strong, with its petals it has given u joy.
Any event has the good and not so good. The not so good has made you strong and realize you can handle it. Good part gives you peace and tranquility. This Last hour is good to reflect how you welcomed 08 when it came and how it swept you and swirled you and passed you on to 09.
08 has made many rich people poor. Those who never thought they could come down from their ivory towers had to smell mud. Many who have cheated got exposed. The flaws of capitalism laid bare before our eyes in 2008, like 20 years ago, in 1989 the bubble of communism burst.

To read this posts by Bawa and Dinesh check out their blog

YES!+ Chennai has seen a great year 2008 with Utsav DSN on its credit last year we are planning to more of it this year! Keep looking for this blog as to what YES!+ chennai grads are up to this year and join the fun wagon! :)

Wishing you all a happy new year!
YES!+ Chennai Team

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