Monday, October 26, 2009

Blood Donation - A database

Jai Gurudev!
Jai Gurudev!

In just a few days we have received lots of messages where a patient urgently needed Blood but did not know whom to contact to procure it urgently. More often than not the blood bank is not the 1st preferred choice for obvious reasons.

We have facilitated lots of blood donation camps in liaison with Lions club few months back. To be of help to such families in desperate times we are in the process of preparing a comprehensive database of all the AOL members in our AOL (Tamil Nadu) family, so that we know whom to contact in the times of emergency. The consolidated database will be with DCC office and one would have to only call them and they will be directed to the right source, right away.

If you wish to donate blood please reply to this mail with the details required below:

Blood Group:
Phone No.:
Have you donated blood before and when?:
Health Issues, if any:

In times of emergency, even a few minutes could mean the difference between life and death, so extend your support and lets have a comprehensive database in place. You never know when some one you love may be in need too.

P.S: Please fwd this to all your contacts in the AOL family and cc me and Bala Ji Uncle in the replies.
- Ashwani Gupta
The Head
YES!+ CHN Blood Donation Chapter
Balaji Uncle's

YES!+ Chennai Team

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