Jai Gurudev!Yesterday, 28 December i had the chance to visit the Hindu Spiritual Fair conducted in Chennai. Around 120 Hindu Spiritual Organizations had taken part and showcased their service projects, their vision, etc. I was astonished by the fact that there can be so many organizations that do so many great things - form schooling to hospital expenses to building toilets to vocational education to vedic training. It gave a new hope that India still has Hope. Well, here are some of the interesting things i learnt there.
There is a youth organization called Youth for Dharma - they portrayed were the Ancient Indian proofs of Modern Scientific techniques. These include - The Big Bang theory, Plastic Surgery, Molting Clay structures, Number system. Even Showcased a BBC Documentary which dug deep in to our ancient History and connected to Modern Science. Here is a explanation of How the world came in to existence.
I am Sure all must be aware of Nataraja Statue. It is the famous pose of Lord Shiva in Rudra Thandava*. The story goes that As Lord Shiva Started to Dance the world evolved. As you can see, The ancient form of this Nataraja Pose has the following.
1. The ring is Oval - Not Circle. Signifying the planetary motion, the structure of Universe
2. Damaroo**- Signifies the Bang - Like the modern physics suggested it all started with a Bang!
3. Agni/Fire - It signifies the Expansion - Remember with heat the particles expand Basic Physics. Well this represents that the Universe is Expanding.
4. Dance Itself- Modern physicists say that, every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction. Well that's what Shiva's Dance Signifies.
It is believed that, the world would end when Shiva Shifts his balance from the left leg to the right, and the process repeats again.
Well, What can we say? Ancient Indians knew More that what the westerners are trying to find out now. :) And we in India are trying to demote our ancestors work.
Well A little bit of search in Youtube and i got this Story of India [BBC Documentary] Do Watch it :)
YES!+ Chennai Team
* A type of Dance
** A type of Musical Instrument
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