Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Experience-OCTOBER 2008

"I have everything" Thats what i used to tell everyone and even myself,And yeah I did have everything,Everything including that little voice in my head that kept telling me"Face it mate,There is still something missing in you".I dint know where that voice came form but I had to agree with it,Indeed there was something missing that made me feel incomplete.I was Like "ok,I think life's getting too boring and I need some adventure",I did everything possible that I could think of,even para sailing.But nope nothing seemed to help,The voice just kept on getting louder and louder and I was running out of adventures.I went to every possible in search of the answer but I found it nowhere.But You know Good things always have a way of finding you,I had given up all hope and I was like"eh what to do??I guess ill have to live with this voice for the rest of my life",Until that one fine day,I was going through all my cell phone contacts and in there I saw this unknown number.I dint know who's it was so I decided to find out,So I started messaging this number,you know the random messages(hey who is this?and whats your number doing in my cell?)You know when suddenly that "Unknown Person"(I now that person pretty well now :) ) asked me "Hey you know there is this YES!+ happening on the 10th of october,Do you want to register?It will be a good experience"(yeah I still remember those exact words,Those words changed my life).YES!+,I had never heard of YES!+,I dint know what it was but the voice that kept telling me that something was missing/incomplete,Now said something completely different,Just one word"REGISTER".So without giving it a second thought,without even knowing what YES!+ was,I Registered.10th October 2008,That the day I Started out on my new journey.Those seven day,I can never forget them,I had so much fun I learnt so many new thigs made New friends and best of all I found the place which had answers to all my questions,MYSELF.Yup all this while i was looking for answers somewhere else when I had all the answers within me.who would know "me" better that me?I could go on for ever about YES!+, Registering for YES!+ was the smartest thing I ever did and Life feels complete now :).and yeah,That little voice in my head,Its gone,Its finally gone.

Jai Gurudev !!

-Tanmay Prabhudesai

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