Saturday, November 15, 2008

Live Telecast

BRAHM NAAD with Guruji

Watch live telecast of MAHASATSANG on 21st & 22nd : 6.30 pm to 8:30 pm in SANSKAR channel.

For the first time in the world, a grand symphony of 1000 sitarists (In aid of Bihar relief & rehabilitation). The ancient history of Indian music traces its origin to the first sound of the universe called the Brahm Naad. Brahm Naad is the music of the cosmos. It is the celestial music to which nature throbs and sways. Pulsating with energy, it is the very first sound of creation.
Entrenched within all religious scriptures, the Brahm Naad has been given equal importance in almost all systems of faith. It appears in the Bible - In the beginning was the word and word was God (John 1.1), it is called the Kalma in Islam, the Shabd in Sikhism and Naad in Hinduism.
This Anahad Naad - the soundless sound, has been mentioned by Guru Nanak, Kabir, Raidaas, Bulle Shah, and Meera as the music that exists in and can be heard from the depth of one being.
On the authority of the ancient texts, it is accepted that music and chants embody positive energy. The creation of the universe and all its creatures, comes from the primordial sound Brahm Naad.
Music resonates within us and can constantly connect us to the harmonies of the cosmos. That is why listeners of music are transported to great levels of joy, happiness and love.
The power of the vibrations of classical music to heal, harmonise and activate core human values has also been scientifically proven by numerous researchers and scientists, who have used musical applications in experimentation, special education, therapy and medicine.

The initiative is being spearheaded by Art of Living singer, Ms. Chitra Roy, M.Phil in classical music from Delhi University with a gold medal, who has also received advance training at the Gwalior gharana

20th, 21st &22nd November, 2008
Sector 32 Grounds, Noida, Delhi NCR. 

Jai Gurudev!

We have a set idea about ourself, set concept about ourself, about our likes and dislikes, about our abilities and disabilities, about our own nature. This is what really restricts us. This is what makes us unhappy. ...Sri Sri

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