Friday, March 20, 2009

Vote For A Change

How about falling in love with our country this year?

Let’s say no to corruption to start with… Many point fingers, saying its a way of life, coz the govt is corrupt, the system is corrupt but if it’s you who is doing the bribing, then please ask yourself, who is the corrupt one? the person giving the bribe? or the one taking it? … answer is both! and just as it takes 2 hands to clap … if many, many of us decide not to bribe, not to be corrupt, then automatically the other side cannot take! How will they, if there is no one to give?! :)

Let’s all get out there and vote … Whoever is in power today is there because you voted them in (by casting your vote, or not … you are equally responsible!) We are part of this great democratic process called the election… Our vote counts!! We are important!!! YOU are important!!!!

This year come election time, lets all go and vote… do our own research, see whether the current government is good, if yes, vote for them, if not, vote for change … Please don’t argue that there is no choice … There is always a choice between whats there right now, and a change…

There are some brilliant websites who are aiming to make each of us aware of what we can do … Jaago re is one such site … take a look …

The Art of Living as a first step has organized a march in Delhi on the 1st of March at Parliament Street… A March in March … against corruption, against terrorism …Check the website:

A campaign under the name 'VOTE INDIA VOTE' is being held on 21 Mar (Saturday) by few the YES+ team at Besant Nagar Beach. We will be spreading awareness about the importance of voting by going around with banners and talking to people to cast their vote in the coming elections.We would start at 5 pm go on for a couple of hours. Everyone is welcome to join us in the campaign.

If you think its not a good idea to vote, be there to know why is it so IMPORTANT to vote!
If you think it is a good idea to vote, be there to spread the message!

Please sms us back with ur phone numbers. Message us back
@Rohit : 9840709717
@Chetan : 9840237630

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