Friday, January 15, 2010

YES!+ ChN Thru' Years...

Jai Gurudev!

It Was Jan 2008 i got introduced to the YES!+ Family! My first YES!+ was with Kavi Didi. And there started a turning point in my life. Its been 2 Years since then. And every time i associate with any of the activities of YES!+ there has been something that always went away and for ever- one time its inhibition, other time fear, other time stage fear,.... And Every time i always sported a big smile. And always there are loads of volunteers who forget the whole world outside and behave like a intricate family with pure love and affection.
The unique thing about YES!+ is that everybody truly cares for everybody else. This not only includes the YES!+ Family but also the society. During the years of my time with YES!+ Chennai I have seen the YES!+ grads coming together to sport a number of social causes like tree plantation, for educating rural kids, initiative to map Indian representative to UN, Free hug campaign with full enthusiasm and many more!
I have worked with a few NGO's before, nowhere have i found the perfect blend - Of seva, Satsang and Sadana. Well, It may be that NGOs have very good intention but to sustain it one needs group Sadana[practice] and to enjoy it [read:express the joy] we need music- Satsang! You would see a number of people from various backgrounds joining together having no boundary of separation or ego but, just getting together to serve, smile and learn.
In terms of learning - every time i did something on behalf of YES!+ i always ended up learning tonnes and tonnes of thing about myself and to handle situations better! It is amazing how YES!+ Grads take up great challenges like organizing a 2000 people event in a matter of 2 months which if you dont know takes a lotttt of work and managing!
Teachers- YES!+ Chennai is group of 1000 and odd youth from various backgrounds- students, engineers, managers,... Imagine a prof in a college, he cannot manage a group of 60 in a class. But here its totally different! Teachers hear are like Mother & father of family. They shower unconditional love, give us opportunities to learn, make us to stay in the path, give moral support, clarifies our doubts, gives us a lot of challenges so that we could discover the hidden talents within,.. well the list is endless. They are like Obi Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker. Every time we deviate from knowledge they are always there to lend their hand! Bau and Dinesh Needs a special mention. The two young duos who manage the Whole YES!+ Family which is in more than 30 countries! They have remarkable personalities. I can only ask you to meet them! Guruji - One of a Kind, at last who made all these possible - the one who is transforming millions and millions of life in this world..

I am glad to be a part of this Great Family!

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate New Teachers who have taken the True Responsibility to BE THE CHANGE! I can see the transformation already. They are heading a thousand people event called "MY Country My Valentine" dated next month Feb 13 and 14 to motivate people to do something MORE to the society! Contact our Volunteers for more details!

YES!+ Totally Rocks!

Go Go YES!+ Make History!!


YES!+ Chennai

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